CS 304: Computer Organization

Fall 2010


Fall 2010  CSCI 304: Computer Organization

(:Course Banner term='Fall 2010' num='Computer Science 304' title='Computer Organization':)

(:Course Header term='Fall 2010' num='Computer Science 304' title='Computer Organization' :)

Computer Organization

(:eventlist Events:)
(:msglist Messages:)

Organization of computer hardware and software; virtual machines, computer systems organization, machine language, assembler language and microprogramming. The main topics that will be covered in the course include

{icon: infoicon3} Course Syllabus Δ
course requirements, policies and guidelines.

{icon: dateicon2} Course Schedule
schedule of topics and links to course materials.

{icon: hwicon2} Course Assignments
homework and programming assignments.

{icon: cabineticon2} Submission Folders
are shared through your WMApps account.

Additional Resources:

  • MIPS Reference - MIPS processor and assembly language reference.
  • MARS Simulator - Documentation and download for the MIPS simulator used in the course.
  • Logisim - Documentation and download for logical circuit simulator used in the course.
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Page last modified on February 20, 2014, at 12:35 PM