Data Structures Textbook


Textbook ADT Notations

The abstract data type (ADT) definitions throughout the text include some operations that are suppose to be implemented using a Python operator. Those methods are specified using an italicized font. The table below maps the various ADT operations to the corresponding Python operator method that is suppose to be used in the implementation.

ADT Operation How is it Used Python Operator Method What it Returns
absolute() abs(obj) __abs__(self) New object of the same type.
add( rhsObj ) y = x + rhsObj) __add__( self, rhsObj ) New object of the same type.
comparable(rhsObj) x == y, x < y,
x <= y, x != y,
x >= y, x > y
__eq__( self, rhsObj )
__lt__( self, rhsObj )
__le__( self, rhsObj )
true or false
contains( item ) item in obj __contains__( self, item ) true or false
divide( rhsObj ) y = x / rhsObj __truediv__(self, rhsObj) New object of the same type.
equal( rhsObj ) x == rhsObj __eq__( self, rhsObj ) true or false
getitem( index ) y = obj[index] __getitem__( self, index ) An object from the container.
length() len(obj) __len__( self ) An integer value.
multiply( rhsObj ) y = x * rhsObj __mul__( self, rhsObj ) New object of the same type.
negate() y = -x __neg__( self ) New object of the same type.
setitem(index, value) x[index] = value __setitem__(self, index, value) Nothing.
subtract( rhsObj ) y = x - rhsObj __sub__( self, rhsObj ) New object of the same type.
toFloat() float(obj) __float__( self ) Floating point value.
toInt() int(obj) __int__( self ) An integer value.
toString() str(obj) __repr__( self ) A string.
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