MIPS Reference



Virtual MachineMIPS ReferenceA MIPS Program

A register is a special storage location built into the CPU. The data in the registers can be accessed much faster than data in memory.

  • The MIPS architecture provides 32 general purpose registers.
  • The registers each have a symbolic name (for use in assembly language) as well as a numeric code.
  • Some of the registers are restricted and have a special purpose.
  • The following is a list of the registers that can be accessed/used by a user program.
Register Name Usage
$zero constant 0
$t0 - $t9 temporary storage (not saved across procedure calls)
$s0 - $s7 saved temporary storage (saved across procedure calls)
$a0 - $a3 used to pass first 4 arguments to routines.
$v0 - $v1 used to return values from functions.
$gp global pointer -- points to the static data.
$sp stack pointer -- points to the top of the stack.
$fp frame pointer -- points to the top of the frame in function calls.
$ra stores the return address of a procedure call.

Virtual MachineMIPS ReferenceA MIPS Program
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Page last modified on September 03, 2009, at 09:32 AM