MPI Reference



MPI ReferenceMessage Passing Blocking

int MPI_Init( int *argc, char **argv[] )

Initializes the MPI environment. This routine must be the first MPI function called by each process in the virtual computer.

the value of argc from main().
the value of argv from main().

int MPI_Finalize()

Terminates the MPI environment and should be called by at the end of the program by every process in the virtual computer.

int MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_Comm comm, int *pid )

Used by a process to determine its rank or process id number within a communicator.

the communicator to be examined.
the process id number is stored in the location pointed to by pid.

int MPI_Comm_size( MPI_Comm comm, int *size )

Used by a process to determine the total number of processes associated with a given communicator.

the communicator to be examined.
the number of processes is stored in the integer variable at the given reference.

int MPI_Barrier( MPI_Comm comm )

Blocks all processes in the given communicator group until all processes have executed the function call.

double MPI_Wtime()

Returns the elapsed time, in seconds, from some point in the past.

MPI ReferenceMessage Passing Blocking
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