Programming Remotely


Programming Remotely

You can create, edit, and test programs on the department server from your own computer by using a secure shell and the jEdit text editor.

  1. Start jEdit on your own computer.

    If you have not already installed jEdit on your own computer, then visit the Installing jEdit web page to install the application.

  2. Create a new source file or load an existing source file from the department server (see the Remote Editing web page for more information).

  3. Open a terminal window (on a Mac) or a command prompt (on Windows 10).


    Under Windows, the command prompt can be opened by entering command in the search bar and clicking on the "Command Prompt" icon.

  4. Connect to the department server and login remotely by entering the ssh (secure shell) command at the prompt:

    where username is your Linux login name and is the name of the department's Linux server on which your home directory is actually stored.

    If you are prompted with a question similar to the following

    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:L7bXtbkm/RsQnfv6uRxoXab9EmzGkngUikiE150mLr8.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

    type yes and press Enter.


    Note that a new shell is executed on the remote computer and the command-line prompt displayed in the terminal is controlled by the shell on the remote computer. Further, only the commands entered at the command-line for the shell on the remote computer are executed on the remote computer. GUI applications and the commands entered into other terminal windows are executed on your computer.

  5. To edit and run C/C++ programs, you need to work on one of the lab computers, not the department server. Connect to one of the lab computers by entering the ssh command:
      ssh computer-name

    where computer-name is the name of one of the computers in the Linux lab. The computers in the Linux lab are named cslab1, cslab2, cslab3, ... cslab15.


    When using ssh from one of the department's Linux computers or the server, you do not have to specify your username. In this case, it automatically uses the same username that you used to login to the Linux computer.

When you have finished working remotely, you need to logout of the remote computers. This can be done by either pressing Ctrl-D or by entering logout at the command-line prompt.

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